Hedy Moreno is a North Carolina licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.) and a nationally certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine (Dipl. OM). She practices general and preventative medicine with a special focus on women’s health, digestive issues, stress & emotional disorders. Additionally she has extensive experience working with chronic pain, chronic degenerative conditions and auto-immune conditions. She earned her Master’s degree from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) in San Francisco, CA, completing over 3,100 hours of training. She received clinical training at the ACTCM Community and Auricular Clinics and interned as a trainee with San Francisco based fertility expert Dr. Lifang Liang. Postgraduate coursework in the teachings of Classical Chinese medicine resonated deeply with Hedy and inspired her to integrate this highly effective style of practicing acupuncture into her treatments. Prior to receiving her Master's degree, she earned a B.S. in Anthropology from the University of California, Riverside.
Hedy’s unique upbringing with acupuncturist parents and a chiropractor grandfather helped pave her path towards alternative medicine. She drew inspiration from talk of the fundamental theories behind Chinese Medicine and the emphasis placed on having a holistic approach to one's health and to life in general. Hedy’s passion is to help people regain and nurture harmony in their body, mind and spirit. She considers it a great privilege to be able to offer people support as they embark on their healing journey.