Chinese Medicine is a comprehensive system of medicine. It stimulates your body's healing response in order to produce true healing, not just symptom suppression. Many conditions that pharmaceutical drugs are commonly prescribed for respond better to acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy, and do so without the potentially harmful and debilitating side effects of drug therapy. The following is a list of conditions successfully treated with acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Source: World Health Organization
Cardiovascular: Angina, hypertension
Dermatological: Acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, hyperpigmentation
Endocrine: Chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, thyroid disorders
Gastro-intestinal: Acid reflux/heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome
Gynecological: Breech position of fetus, infertility- male or female, IVF support, labor induction, irregular or painful menstruation, menopause, morning sickness, PMS, post-partum depression
Respiratory: Allergic rhinitis, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, cough, flu, sinusitis
Neurological: Bell's palsy, headaches, migraines, Meniere's disease, multiple sclerosis, post stroke paralysis, shingles, thoracic outlet syndrome, TMJ, trigeminal neuralgia
Musculoskeletal Pain: Dental pain, joint/limb pain, low back pain, sciatica, neck pain, osteoarthritis, repetitive stress injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, sports injuries
Urogenital: Bed wetting, bladder dysfunction, incontinence
Other: Smoking cessation, opioid drug addiction, weight control